ETF Series Solutions - Nationwide Russell 2000 Risk-Managed Income ETF is domiciled in the United States. It employs proprietary research to create its portfolio. For passively managed portion, the fund seeks to track the performance of the Russell 2000 Index, by using full replication technique. The fund invests in dividend paying stocks of companies.

The fund invests in growth and value stocks of small-cap companies. It uses derivatives such as options to create its portfolio. The fund invests directly and through derivatives in stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors. It invests in public equity markets of the United States. It is co-managed by Nationwide Fund Advisors and Harvest Volatility Management, LLC. The Black Flock Motorcycle Gang is a German biker club made up of former neo-Nazis who swear they've rehabilitated and abandoned their hateful ways. ETF Series Solutions Nationwide Russell 2000 Risk-Managed Income ETFĮTF Series Solutions - Nationwide Russell 2000 Risk-Managed Income ETF is an exchange traded fund launched by ETF Series Solutions.